Brownie energy balls

I present to you the PERFECT snack. These are one of my favourite things to eat post workout, or just as a pick me up through the mid-afternoon slump.

Imagine a snack, full of everything you need. Protein, fats, carbs, and most importantly, chocolate. NO DATES EITHER. This quite literally is a ball of brownie.

There are 3 really good flavours of these, and this is one of them. Check out my others here.

Recipe, makes 10 balls;

8 heaped tbsp oats, blended until they look like flour
60g chocolate whey protein powder (check notes if vegan)
3 tbsp cacao/ cocoa powder dissolved in 100ml hot water
200ml hazelnut milk or chocolate milk
1 tbsp smooth nut butter
1 tbsp plain yogurt
Pinch salt
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp bicarbonate of soda
3 tbsp sugar

2 tbsp cream cheese
1 tbsp smooth nut butter

150g melted dark chocolate


  1. Blend 2 cups oats until they look like fine flour

  2. Add all the dry ingredients to a bowl, apart from the cacao and mix well

  3. Add the cacao/ cocoa and hot water to a small bowl or mixing jug and mix until the cocoa is dissolved

  4. Add the milk to the cocoa mix and add to the dry ingredients gradually, mixing until combined - it should look like cake batter

  5. Add the nut butter and yogurt and mix well

  6. Put in a large microwave safe bowl and microwave at 1000W for 5-6 mins or until fully cooked (turn around every few mins)

  7. Spoon the mix into another bowl, and allow to cool for about 5 mins

  8. Add 2 tbsp cream cheese and 1 tbsp nut butter to the mixture and knead in with your hands until combined

  9. Press and roll the mixture into 10 balls and set aside.

  10. Melt the chocolate

  11. Coat each ball in chocolate, and a pinch of sea salt and leave in the fridge for 30 mins

  12. Keep in the fridge in an airtight container for up to 5 days

Notes + Variations:

Vegan protein makes these more of a doughy texture, so if you’re not vegan, I'd use whey protein, although vegan protein can still work.


Satay chickpea salad


Sweet potato and feta tacos